Chibi-Robo! Wiki

The Phillies are small dancing flowers who are the children of Funky Phil. There are six of them including Freaky Phil, an outlier that's visibly and behaviorally different from the other five.


After Funky Phil dances, a seed drops from him. Eventually, these seeds, with the help of Chibi-Robo, result in a group of small, flower-like toys called the Phillies. Initially, Funky Phil doesn't think he is their father due to being unaware of dropping the seeds they grew from, and this causes the Phillies to visibly show disappointment and sadness. Gradually, however, he fits into the role of a father figure and looks after them, teaching them to dance, which delights them. After Funky Phil appears to die some time in the story, Dinah takes pity and decides to look after them for a period, going so far as to organize a memorial song and dance performance by the Phillies for Funky Phil in the backyard. After the memorial, the Phillies and Dinah notice the power switch on Funky Phil's body and that it's flipped off, revealing that Funky Phil has, in fact, not died.


  • There are six Phillies
  • The Phillies, Mini Mort, and Li'l Pitts are the only toys to be children while the rest are presumably adults.