Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Habanero is a toy appearing in Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!. He is a wrestler, and is usually found in a wrestling ring in Keith's Room. He sometimes also visits the Casino, wearing a different outfit when he does. He has an affinity for spicy food, particularly spicy tomatoes. He has a rival-like relationship with Mesa.

Habanero Toy Box

Habanero's Toy Box

Habanero's Toy Box can be found under the sink in the kitchen, and gives the following information

  • Length: 10cm
  • Favorite food: Spicy things
  • Weak point : Water
  • Special Skill: Habanero Chop
  • Swells up if soaked in water


You first meet Habanero by visiting his wrestling ring at night. Chibi-Robo becomes his "disciple" and Habanero has Chibi-Robo collect wrenches from around Keith's room to use for weight lifting training. After delivering the wrenches and doing the training session, Habanero will give you the Wrestler costume which allows Chibi-Robo to knock over or pull books, which can be moved to create inclines or bridges to reach previously inaccessible locations.

Chibi-Robo can give Habanero a green tomato from the Backyard, which Habanero will cover in spicy sauce and give back. The spicy tomato can then be used to get Mesa out of the kitchen sink.

Habanero will ask Chibi-Robo to be his partner for a fight being held at the casino. The fight is nearly impossible to win. After losing, Habanero will be disgraced by the ghosts by having his luchador mask removed and discarded into the drain pipes. However, when Chibi-Robo goes into the pipes to retrieve it, it is blocked by a grate that you cannot get through. The next time Chibi-Robo and Telly talk to Mesa, Telly asks for help with retrieving the mask. After insulting Habanero, she disappears into the pipes, where you can find her at the grate where the mask is stuck. She destroys the grate at the cost of breaking all of her teeth, feeling ashamed of her unsightly appearance.

Mesa will afterward be found in the pool in Keith's room. After Chibi-Robo gives Habanero's mask back to him, Habanero will go to Mesa to proudly talk about the event. At first she will try to hide her face, until Habanero convinces her to turn around. As the two of them talk, it becomes apparent that Mesa has a crush on him that Habanero is oblivious to. At one point, Chibi-Robo gets Habanero to help get Mesa unstuck from the toilet, but he himself gets stuck, forcing Chibi-Robo to free him by flushing the toilet. Then sends him down the drain and when Mesa finds him, she offers to save him in exchange for payment, but her sympathies soon gets the better of her and she helps him for free. When Habanero asks to return the favor for saving him, she tells Habanero to try the casino fight again, and to fight and win for her. Habanero then goes to the casino, where he can be found until you go there to do the fight. He wins after Mesa tells him to use the same move that he used to free her earlier. Habanero then brings her onstage to give her credit for his victory too, to her embarrassment.
