Chibi-Robo! Wiki

There are four Alien entities featured in Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, though a fifth can be seen in Giga-Robo's memories. They travel in a UFO and were previously saved from an imminent crash landing by Giga-Robo. It is unknown what planet they are from. They are known to create time machines and balls of light that can make any wish come true. Their extremely quiet voices can only be understood with an Alien Ear Chip.

The aliens' constant complaints regarding Earth's air quality and longing for their home planet doesn't appear to translate to any specific task for Chibi-Robo, however they do become sickened and red hot due to this, leading to their eventual need for Chibi-Robo to cool them down with the appropriate amount of water from his Squirter as well as open their beds with his Chibi-Blaster. This problem is at one time fixed by Drake Redcrest's blizzard attack, though the aliens soon return to their previous, weakened state in continuing gameplay.

Much of their technology can be affected by a charged shot from the Chibi-Blaster, which seems to behave similarly to an energy the aliens can manifest themselves.


They are aesthetically similar to Chibi-Robo, except they are bluish, shinier, rounder on the edges, thinner at the upper portion of their torso, and have red, glowing, compound eyes. Interestingly, they appear to look similar to this form in Giga-Robo's memories, long before the creation of Chibi-Robo by George Ebisu.

Seemingly, they change in overall color to suit their state of being. When saddened by the discovery of Giga-Robo's deactivation, they turn a saturated blue color. When physically sickened due to the state of Earth and the seeming demise of their friend, they turn a saturated red color.

Right before they are levitated back into their UFO at the end of the story, they seem to morph into black, octopus-or-spider-looking creatures—possibly revealing their true forms.



Titan is the medium-sized Alien of the bunch. This alien is seemingly the group's emissary or leader. Not much else is known about this particular alien.


Io is the largest Alien of the bunch. Not much is known about this particular alien.


Ganymede is the tallest and thinnest alien of the bunch. Not much is known about this particular alien.

Little Bang[]

Little Bang is the smallest alien of the bunch. When talked to in bed, Little Bang seems to miss its Mommy. Not much is known about this particular alien.


Chibi logo To view Alien's
image gallery click here


  • "Titan" is one of Saturn's moons.
  • "Io" and "Ganymede" are two of Jupiter's "Galilean" moons.
  • "Little Bang" is a pun on the Big Bang Theory of the Universe's creation. Since they are the smallest alien, they were named "Little Bang."